
Top 10 Things to care about while design website for fast speed & SEO

If you have started designing a website you must care about the following top 10 things to keep your website or application ready for high speed and performance which will result in better SEO and better conversion of clients for your business.

10 things to care about while designing a website for fast speed and SEO

1. Optimize Images

Use optimized images with sizes less than 300-400KB for desktop and a max of 100kb for mobile screens. If you are using large-size images in the viewport it will cause LCP to increase which will decrease your ranking in search results or google.

2. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Use CDN for your static content like CSS, images, and fonts. There are the following benefits of using CDN for your static content on the website-

  • Server-side caching will improve loading speed at the user divide which will provide users with a good user experience as users will not have to wait for loading your webpage.
  • Better SEO
  • Fast website loading

3. Minimize HTTP requests

Minimum HTTP requests as much as you can. it is one of the important reasons which causes lower page speed of your website.

4. Optimize code

Optimize your HTML CSS and JS code. avoid using unnecessary nesting of HTML tags. Unnecessary HTML tags will increase dom nodes which will increase rendering time.

5. Use Mobile first responsive design

The great benefit of mobile-first responsive design is, that browser will not have to need to shift the layout for the mobile or lower the screen which will surely lower the CLS which is good practice.

6. Use descriptive URLs

Use descriptive use for your website page, the page URL should demonstrate the idea of what is this page about.

7. Improve site architecture

Design and logical structure for your website design that makes users and search engines understand and navigate your website.

8. Use structured data / Schematic tags

Use the latest html5 semantic tags which make search engine easier to understand your page content better and results in a better and more relevant ranking of your webpage.

9. Use descriptive, keyword-rich headings

Use headings to structure your content and include relevant keywords to improve SEO.

10. Eliminate render-blocking resources

Avoid using resources, such as JavaScript and CSS files, that prevent the page from loading until they’re fully downloaded.


Whenever you are designing or deciding to create a new page on a website keep the speed & user experience factor in mind. These are the two factor that matters to your website user. keep your website on the map by Prioritizing above-the-fold content, Using clean URLs, Reducing server response time, Removing unnecessary plugins and scripts, and Conducting regular site audits.

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